dayt 28 may too thowsand and faw
Stoodent Naym: Adum Clay subgect: Arts degree stawry
wat i lurned at rokclyming today
today at rokclyming with all my frends i lurned lots of stuff
i lurned that i can clym beter if i screem lots and then evrywun looks at me
mat lyks to mayk sweet sweet lurve to anything (espeshully climing wals) cos he dusnt sea his wif cos she livs with 2 italyan pepl
stoowy lyks to buy expensiv stuff and iz wurser than me at organyzing evrything
wen meegun and tom sez they duznt want to go to hawkas cawner for tee they meenz this
qang lyks to lite booshfyrs
mat dusnt think I can rite bad stuff abowt him just coz he duznt no that I folo him and wach him when he goes to the gay bars in town awl dresd up like thoz peepl in the mardee gra
stooey duznt hav a snoflayks chans in hel of getting his docter thing finishd and i shood of bet erlyer wen andee was giving beter ods
andee is beter at scool coz he lyks syens
andee sez peepl shudnt dryv and tork on ther fones coz it is daynjerus coz his car is not rowdwurthy and they miyt mayk him hav a acident if they hav too stop quick and then he wil crash in the bak of them coz his brayks don’t wurk good and that iz ther folt if he crashes and they shuld no that so they don’t tork on ther fones coz then andee gets angree
adum dryvs faster than evrywun els
stewy must of run out of muny coz he didn’t come to hawkers cawner with a knew toy today
nowun ever sees me pic my noz then put it in ther koy tow
mat gets sakd a lot he has had evry job in the wurld i think he must act lyk a ideeut at wurk to - lyk he duz arownd us wen he torks in that dum voys lyk they do on tv
if yoo ar smart and doo a syens degre then yoo will be paw but if yoo do a arts degree then yoo wil bee rich YAY so then i wunder how smart yoo ar if yoo do a syens degree
things I lerned from looking up peepls shawts wen they ar clyming:
tom has got a piercing in a speshul playc
qang dusnt hav a chineez smyl lik andee sed he did
meegun goze to the waxing salon evree three weeks
tom is very hery and shud go with meegun to the salon
stuwert steels things from the froot and vej shop last week he steeled a cyoocumber
don’t eet any froot and vej at stuwerts hows
andee is hung lyk a hors and he has got dredloks in a playc I havnt seen them befaw
mat got his hands cort in that mangle thing wen he was trying to get sumthing else owt
evrywun sumtyms pretends they ar putting ther hands in ther chorkbag wen sumtims they ar putting them in ther shawts
stoowey never puts his hands in his chorkbag but is always cheking to see if his froot and vej are stil ther and sumtyms jiggls it to mayk shor it wont fal owt
qang has eyther got a tatoo or a bad rash with green spotz
andee has got the saym tato but on his botom I think they got them wen they wer drunk or sumthing at yoonee
tom wers meeguns geestrings espeshully the blak wuns
meegun sumtyms forgets to wer them
i hav got the biggest willy out ov evrywun
Thursday 3 May 2004
This week dear reader, we have returned to our normal broadcast.
We apologise for the break in transmission last week, but we experienced technical difficulties in getting the report posted.
When we finally got the technical report for the delay from the appropriate department at Sandbaggers it turned out that Megan is a slacko! The first time we have a guest writer because there was the feeling that His Royal Gimpness was being a little too harsh on the rest of the group, and...... nothing! Nada! Zip! They've got nothing on me! That's right, The Gimp is untouchable! Yes I do realise that this is tempting fate, but Bring it on Baby! I don't think you guys have got it in you! Come on, let's hear it!
Anyhoo, climbing this week was okay I guess. Adam tried to finish the only problem he hasn't completed for this week in the bouldering competition, but failed like the weak little Nancy that he is! Put him on the super crimpy, overhung stuff, and it's all beer and skittles, but put one sloper at the top of an overhang and he's crying like a girl, falling off, swearing, and most definitely NOT making those damned annoying grunts when he is climbing hard and wants everyone to look at him (hey, that was harsh!). Then he went off to climb roped routes with his tail between his legs.
Gump managed to have some fun despite the searing pain in his feet from the new pair of Scarpa Slippers (a slipper version of Dominators) which Tom bought after Adam innocently () mentioned that Paddy Pallins had them on special. Ha! How easy is that? Just like Stu, sucked in to joining me in eternal foot pain
Bizarro also made an appearance, and was probably the best performer of the night. He continued to work on the Red 24 with the bitch of a move at the top (I have decided that it's just too stupid to bother with) that makes you step on your fingers, and he is making some good progress, keep going Andy, you'll get it! Hey, that was a little too soft and fuzzy for The Gimp........err, you are a total limp dick Bizarro, why don't you just stick to climbing the social ladder in your drug infested 'hood? (was that better?)
Welcome to new Sandbagger Matt. Matt joined us on Thursday when he turned up at the gym looking for someone to climb with, seeing as he doesn't have any friends of his own. Even though we didn't really want to let him into our elite group, we were pushed into it by Ryan (works at the gym) who used the old guilt thing to get us to say "yes." Frankly I am a little intimidated, I think he might be intelligent . OH MAN!! I'm still the dumbest one of the lot!
Have you ever been forced into saying you like something, because of peer group pressure, or the thought that it may lead to something either better in the future, or more free stuff? Andy brought us all a homebrew on Thursday. It was nice Andy, real nice!
Stewy managed to drag himself away from all the porn he has on his new computer after moving from the Mac Side to the Dark Side and at least ate dinner with us.
Quang and Meg? Soft Cock Bushfire Starters!
Boz? "Ooo the doctors say I need more recovery time from my reconstruction, boo hoo hoo! Poor me! Wah wah wah!" Ease up, it's been a month or two now Boz!